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Oil smells very citrusy, fruity and sweet with warm spicy floral quality. Strength of aroma is Medium. 1 oz.

Oil has a sharp, fresh camphoraceous scent, woody and earthy. Strength of aroma is Strong. 1 oz.

Oil has a warm, spicy scent that is a cross between clove and cinnamon. Strength of aroma is Strong. 1 oz.

Oil has a fresh camphoraceous aroma with a faint peppermint undertone. Strength of aroma is Strong. 1 oz.

Oil has a fresh woody, earthy scent. Strength of aroma is Strong. 1 oz.

Oil has a rich woody, earthy scent with smokey undertones. Strength of aroma is Medium. 1 oz.

Oil has a scent that is both sweet and herbaceous. Similar in character to Rose. Strength of aroma is Strong. Great for use in lotions for re-hydrating maturing skin.

1 oz.

Oil has a fresh, light, slightly bitter citrus scent that is very characteristic of the fruit. Strength of aroma is Medium. 1 oz.

Oil has a smooth, extremely intense floral smell that is both sweet and lingering. Strength of aroma is Strong. 1 oz.

Oil has a strong floral camphor smell most recognized for its calming effect. Strength of aroma is Medium. 1 oz.

Oil is very pungent with a strong citrus scent. Strength of aroma is Strong. 1 oz.

Oil has a strong, fresh and earthy scent, very citrusy. Strength of aroma is Strong.

1 oz.

Oil has a sweet, citrus smell much like the orange peel it is derived from, only more intense. Strength of aroma is Strong. 1 oz.

Oil has a warm, earthy aroma with fresh fruit like tones. Strength of aroma is Medium. 1 oz.

Oil is a combination of sweet and spicy camphor. Strength of aroma is Strong. 1 oz.

Oil is very camphoraceous and herbaceous with earthy undertones. Strength of aroma is Strong. 1 oz.

Oil has a fresh, camphoraceous scent fights fungus and viruses. Strength of aroma is Medium. 1 oz.

Oil has a sweet, exotic floral scent that is one of the most sought after aromas. Strength of aroma is Medium. 1 oz.

Oil has a strong mint candy flavor. Strength of aroma is Strong. 1 oz.

Precautions using Essential Oils

Nothing could be more important than checking the cautions and warnings before using a particular essential oil or blend of oils. Being unaware of the different effect that a given essential oil may have on your body could put you at risk if used inappropriately. Essential oils penetrate the blood stream, regardless of the application, making it critical for you to understand how they react with your body's chemistry. Used improperly, essential oils can be toxic and cause sensitivity to your skin and mucus membranes.

Do not store your essential oils in direct sunlight, extreme heat or expose them to air. Instead, store them in air tight containers, preferably in a cool dark place. Always dilute an essential oil in a vegetable carrier oil before applying and always apply a skin patch test (described below)before applying a new oil or blend. Avoid contact with the eyes and mucus membranes.

Skin Patch Test

To ensure you have no allergy or sensitivity to an oil or blend. Simply wash the "crook of your arm" (the inside bend of your arm) with an unscented soap and water. Pat dry, do not rub. Mix a drop of the essential oil with a drop of vegetable oil you have in your kitchen (canola, sunflower or olive oil). You can mix them in a teaspoon. Now put a drop or so on the washed area of your arm and cover it with a bandage and leave dry for 24 hours. Remove the bandage. If you see redness, feel warmth or itching or see a rash, wash the area and pat dry. We would not recommend you use this oil. If your skin looks normal, you are more than likely safe to proceed using this oil or blend. This is a good test for any new skin product you intend to use, especially if you have sensitive skin.


The essential oils are potent forms of the original plants, trees, or woods. Prolonged use can cause sensitization and toxicity to develop. We like to recommend that whatever your method, when you are using essential oils on a daily basis, take a break. For example, say the first week of the month you'll take a vacation from using your essential oils. This gives your system time to eliminate any build up of toxins.

The information contained within this website is for general information purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat medical conditions. Before using essential oils, we strongly advise you to seek the advice of your health care professional if the following conditions apply: If you are pregnant or nursing, have known plant allergies, suffer from high blood pressure, asthma, liver or kidney disease, epilepsy or other medical conditions, or are taking prescription or homeopathic medications. Essential oils are powerful and can interact with medications and other treatments.

Key points to remember about essential oils

Essential oils are potent and powerful. Less is always more.

Extended or prolonged use can generate toxicity. Take a break.

Treat essential oils as medications and always keep out of reach of children and pets.

Some essential oils are phototoxic, meaning you should avoid sunlight or tanning rays for at least 12 hours after application.

Some essential oils are skin irritants and should be avoided by sensitive individuals.

Always dilute with an organic vegetable oil or carrier such as salts, lotions

Never ingest essential oils without direct supervision by your health care professional.

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